Exhibit at REM™
Exhibit at Renewable Energy Markets™
Exhibiting at REM™ gives you the opportunity to strengthen your company’s brand, reach new customers, interact one-on-one with leading decision-makers, and grow your business. Each booth is given a prime space that receives high traffic throughout the conference. Exhibitors at REM™ aren't restricted to an out-of-the-way "exhibit hall," but are instead integrated into the flow of the event, in natural gathering places outside sessions and where foot traffic is highest, giving exhibitors the opportunity to interact with attendees in a natural, casual setting.
Standard Exhibitors ($3,000) may select from booths of various sizes (with an optional draped table and 2 chairs) and one complimentary full-conference pass.
Reserve Your Exhibit Space
Please fill out the following form to reserve your exhibit space at REM™. Event staff will follow up to confirm your space assignment, collect payment, and issue your registration code. Please Note: A 50% deposit is necessary to reserve your space, with full payment expected 30 days before event date.