2022 Agenda
REM™ 2022 Agenda and Presentations
Renewable Energy Markets™ is an annual conference series that features panel discussions offering in-depth exploration of key issues affecting the advancement of voluntary renewable energy markets.
To download the presentations, click on the session titles below in orange.
Wednesday, September 14
Pre-Conference Sessions & Opening Reception
1:00 – 2:30 PM |
Voluntary Renewable Energy Markets 101 WorkshopLAKESHORE AB Are you new to the renewable energy industry, or do you have new employees that would benefit from our Voluntary Renewable Energy Markets 101 Session? Get a valuable baseline education from renewable energy experts before launching into the conference! This workshop, sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Center for Resource Solutions (CRS), is designed to provide background and information resources essential for maximizing attendees' experience of the conference. Expert speakers will provide a general overview of green power and a brief history on the development of a market for clean, renewable energy. Attendees will receive a detailed introduction to the key industry issues, players and products that affect the progress of green power, as well as insight on past, present and future market indicators. Speakers:
3:00 –5:00 PM |
Pre-Conference Tour:
5:00 – 9:00 PM |
Registration and Exhibitor FloorNICOLLET PROMENADE |
7:00 – 9:00 PM |
Opening ReceptionREGENCY ROOM Join us in the beautiful Regency Room to kick off the conference and to reconnect with the REM™ community. Stop in for light refreshments and get reacquainted with colleagues as well as network with other conference attendees before the programming begins. See you there! |
Thursday, September 15
8:00 AM |
Registration Opens and Exhibitor FloorNICOLLET PROMENADE |
9:00 – 10:30 AM |
Welcome and Opening KeynoteTARGET BALLROOM (NICOLLET A/B/C) ![]() Brett C. Carter Brett Carter is Executive Vice President, Group President Utilities, and Chief Customer Officer, leading the areas of brand management, customer assistance, energy efficiency program development, community affairs, and oversight of the operating companies to achieve constructive regulatory outcomes in the eight states Xcel serves. Carter leads Xcel Energy’s customer engagement through enhancing the customer experience and expanding its portfolio of programs, including continuing Xcel Energy’s industry leadership in transportation electrification and the growth of electric-vehicle ownership and infrastructure. Power TableDon't miss this lively and informative conversation by major players regarding the highly dynamic landscape for renewable energy markets and market growth opportunities. Speakers:
10:30 – 11:00 AM | NETWORKING BREAK |
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM |
Impact of Corporate Renewable Energy Procurement: Different Pathways to Achieving GoalsNICOLLET D2/D3
Climate Disclosure and ESG: Impacts for CorporationsLAKESHORE AB
CORPORATE PROCUREMENT The US Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC’s) proposed rules on climate-related disclosures have put this and other aspects of ESG as well as its overall importance into stark relief. This session will discuss the SEC’s proposed rules and potential impacts as well as the current state and future of ESG and its impacts on corporate renewable energy and climate goals and activities. Speakers:
Accelerating New Markets for Green HydrogenMIRAGE
12:00 – 1:30 PM |
![]() Green Power Leadership Awards LuncheonTARGET BALLROOM (NICOLLET A/B/C) Janet McCabe, EPA Deputy Administrator, U.S. EPA: Introductory RemarksJoin us as we honor the inspirational leadership of green power purchasers, suppliers, organizations and individuals who are advancing green power markets. Awards will be presented by the U.S. EPA and Center for Resource Solutions. |
1:30 – 2:30 PM |
Realizing the Full Potential of 24x7 Clean Energy ProcurementNICOLLET D2/D3 Tracks: CORPORATE PROCUREMENT, POLICY 24/7 clean energy procurement or hourly matching has emerged as a leadership strategy among a growing list of leading companies and other buyers. This session will explore the rationale behind this approach, the broad-level circumstances under which it will have an additional decarbonization value and impact, and the challenges and opportunities associated with achieving those circumstances. Speakers:
Equity and Environmental Justice in Clean Energy PolicyLAKESHORE AB Track: POLICY With more states implementing clean energy policies, regulators and stakeholders are increasingly focused on how to address equity and environmental justice (EJ) concerns. The Biden administration’s Justice40 initiative further illustrates the importance of EJ in clean energy policy as it explores how Federal agencies can work with states and local communities to deliver benefits from Federal investments in climate and clean energy to disadvantaged communities. This session will highlight how state and federal clean energy policies can help ensure a just and equitable transition to clean energy. Speakers
2:30 – 2:45 PM | NETWORKING BREAK |
2:45 – 3:45 PM |
Table TopicsTARGET BALLROOM (NICOLLET A/B/C) This session will feature informal roundtable discussions with a table lead for each. Groups will rotate after 20 minutes.
3:45 – 4:00 PM | NETWORKING BREAK |
4:00 – 5:00 PM |
Federal Clean Energy PolicyNICOLLET D2/D3 Track: POLICY A variety of different policy changes at the Federal level will impact existing renewable energy markets, including the SEC’s climate-related disclosures rule, CEQ’s clean energy procurement requirements for federal agencies, EPA’s regulation of GHG emissions from existing power plants, FTC’s updates to the Green Guides, the Inflation Reduction Act, and potential changes resulting from US Supreme Court rulings. This session will provide an introduction and overview of these changes and summarize their implications for both compliance and voluntary renewable energy markets. Speakers:
Cross-Border Trading of EACs and Evolving International Market BoundariesLAKESHORE AB
INT'L MARKET TRENDS Renewable energy commitments continue to grow in many regions based largely on demand from local and multinational corporations. This panel will examine what it takes to set aggressive targets when faced with the challenges multi-national companies face procuring renewable energy across borders. Speakers will highlight discussions of cross border trading, revising market boundaries, future demand drivers, and other existing barriers to entry. Speakers:
Innovative Approaches to Scope 1 and Scope 3 MitigationMIRAGE RENEWABLE FUELS
CORPORATE PROCUREMENT Many corporations are purchasing renewable electricity to address their Scope 2 emissions. But what about Scope 1 and Scope 3? This session will focus on innovative approaches to mitigating Scope 1 and Scope 3 emissions, including carbon offsets, renewable natural gas for thermal applications, beneficial electrification, thermal energy storage, and more. Speakers:
5:00 – 6:00 PM |
Minneapolis MixerNICOLLET PROMENADE ![]() |
Friday, September 16
8:00 AM |
Registration and Exhibitor FloorNICOLLET PROMENADE |
8:00 – 9:00 AM |
U.S. EPA Green Power Partnership for Renewable Energy Providers BreakfastMIRAGE Join us for an interactive informal breakfast meeting for an overview of the U.S. EPA Green Power Partnership (GPP). The GPP is a voluntary program that encourages organizations to use green power as a way to reduce the environmental impacts associated with conventional electricity use. This session is intended for renewable energy providers, and is the perfect introduction to the Green Power Partnership for newcomers. Come with your questions on the program and green power, and take this opportunity to meet with EPA staff who work on this program.
WRISE: Women of Renewable Industries and Sustainable Energy BreakfastLAKESHORE AB Join WRISE for an opportunity to network and participate in a discussion of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) with other industry leaders. We will explore the current DEI landscape in the sector, best practices, opportunities, and challenges of accelerating the transition to a sustainable and equitable energy future with a focus on a growing workforce and shifting organizational culture.
U.S. Renewable Energy Tracking Systems Workshop and BreakfastNICOLLET D2/D3 Join us for a discussion with tracking system operators to learn more about their latest efforts to track renewable energy, including coordination between systems, granular certificates, storage, and more. This session is interactive, and market participants are encouraged to attend.
9:15 – 10:30 AM |
Welcome Back, Keynote, and State of the U.S. MarketsTARGET BALLROOM (NICOLLET A/B/C) ![]() Executive Vice President, Utility Operations | CenterPoint Energy With more than 25 years of utility industry experience, Scott is CenterPoint Energy’s Executive Vice President, Utility Operations. He leads the company’s electric and natural gas businesses serving nearly 7 million customers in growing and diverse markets in six states, including 1,300 megawatts of electric generation capacity in southern Indiana. Additionally, Scott leads the company’s ten-year, $40 billion capital investment strategy focused on modernizing its electric and natural gas infrastructure, including its transition to net zero emissions by 2035. Prior to this role, Scott served in numerous executive leadership positions of increasing responsibility, including Executive Vice President – Natural Gas Operations and Senior Vice President of Regulatory, Legislative and Public Affairs. During his career, Scott has also held operational leadership roles in multiple geographic locations across the company’s service territory. ![]() Deputy Commissioner for Division of Energy Resources, Minnesota Department of Commerce Kevin Lee comes to Commerce from the Blue Green Alliance, where he has been the state energy policy director. In that role, he was responsible for organizing a coalition of labor unions and environmental organizations and developing and overseeing implementation of a multi-state plan to advance legislative and regulatory policies on climate change, clean energy, energy efficiency, utility regulation, workforce and labor standards. Prior to his work for the Blue Green Alliance, Kevin directed the Climate and Energy Program at the Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, overseeing a team of attorneys, policy analysts, and communications staff to advocate for clean energy policy before state agencies, courts, and legislatures, including the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. A graduate of Carleton College, George Washington University Law School, and the Vermont Law School, Lee has also served as faculty at the Mitchell Hamline School of Law and the University of Minnesota Law School, where he directed the Environmental and Energy Law Clinic. State of the U.S. MarketsGet an inside look at the state of U.S. voluntary renewable energy markets and state renewable portfolio standards leveraging the latest data. Our expert panelists will provide their insights into where these markets are heading.
10:30 – 11:00 AM | NETWORKING BREAK |
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM |
Case Studies: Equity and Environmental Justice in Residential Renewable Energy ProgramsLAKESHORE AB Track: RESIDENTIAL Residential options for purchasing renewable energy are more numerous than ever before, and they’re only continuing to grow and expand. How can we ensure that the continued expansion in programming enables the participation of lower-income (and other historically underrepresented) communities? Panelists will provide insight into the work that’s being done to keep justice and equity at the forefront of residential renewable energy programming. Speakers:
Corporate Procurement: Enabling Access to and Projects for Renewable Energy BuyersNICOLLET D2/D3
Understanding Carbon Intensity of Renewable Fuels ProjectsMIRAGE
12:00 – 1:30 PM | LUNCH |
1:30 – 2:30 PM |
Renewable Natural Gas: C&I Procurement and Green Programs for Gas UtilitiesLAKESHORE AB
Corporate International Supply Chains and Meeting Global Renewable Energy Procurement GoalsNICOLLET D2/D3 Tracks: INT'L MARKET TRENDS, CORPORATE PROCUREMENT The worldwide voluntary market is complex and challenging, with varying regulations, feed-in tariffs, carbon policies, purchaser obligations, and ongoing restructuring – complexities that affect supply, demand, and procurement possibilities for corporations extending their impact across their supply chains. This panel will highlight these challenges in key international markets, including the role of national and provincial governments in supporting voluntary markets, trends in regional and global demand for renewable energy, with a spotlight on Asia regional issues and opportunities. Speakers:
Siting Renewables to Improve Outcomes for CommunitiesMIRAGE Track: RESIDENTIAL The benefits of renewable energy generation are clear: cleaner air and water, greater resource and price security, and the creation of new jobs and tax revenue streams. How, then, can we ensure that those benefits are targeting the places and people that need it most? Our panelists will discuss their work siting renewables and explore the historical, present, and future landscapes of energy inequality. Speakers:
2:30 – 3:00 PM | NETWORKING BREAK |
3:00 – 4:00 PM |
Wholesale Markets and State Renewable Energy PolicyLAKESHORE AB Track: POLICY How state clean and renewable energy programs can work and be successful in the context of regional wholesale power market expansion and development is a critical question for all states with these goals. There are active regional conversations happening in both New England and the Western U.S. on this subject while states are beginning to implement new clean energy programs. This session will explore and discuss the changes that are being considered and how they may impact state clean energy requirements and regional renewable energy and carbon accounting and attribution at both the wholesale and retail levels. Speakers:
24/7 Clean Energy Procurement WorkshopNICOLLET D2/D3 Tracks: CORPORATE PROCUREMENT, POLICY This interactive workshop is dedicated to exploring and discussing the details of 24/7 deals and data—both the current state of play (i.e. who is doing and can do what now, where, and at what cost) and where we need to be (the types of procurement, transactions, and data needed in different places) to realize the strategy’s full potential regionally. Participants will discuss strategies for filling the gap between the two cost effectively, equitably, and quickly. Speakers: